Wednesday, July 19, 2017

What’s in a Word: Hilarious Voice Dictation Errors

Everyone’s had their share of funny results while using voice dictation, but I’ve been dictating my books for years—long before Siri was even born—and I’ve kept a running list of my favorites along the way. Today I thought I’d share some of them with you.  Enjoy! (But be forewarned, several are a bit racy…)

What I said:        We had dinner at the Full Moon Buffet.
What it wrote:    We had dinner at the phlegm buffet.

What I said:        Lydia and Gordon are in the barn.
What it wrote:    Chlamydia and gonorrhea in the barn.

What I said:        The sky was a beautiful shade of purple pink
What it wrote:    This guy was a beautiful shade of purple pink

What I said:        Is this the home of Ben Rogers?
What it wrote:    Is this the home of Bin Laden?

What I said:        I could hear the sound of Travis’s breathing.
What it wrote:    I could hear the sound of Travis breeding.

What I said:        Whether my veins were coursing with venom or not
What it wrote:    Whether my veins were coursing with Vietnam

What I said:        Suck out the venom, don’t suck out the venom
What it wrote:    Suck out with a numb, don’t suck up to them

What I said:        Chitimacha Indians
What it wrote:    Sh*t and watch the Indians

What I said:        Fifi
What it wrote:    see feet  (I kept trying and got:)
TV thief
the beef
be PPP

What I said:        “What have you got there? Sazeracs?”
What it wrote:    “What you dare? the senator asked?”

What I said:        I spotted three Amish children.
What it wrote:    I spotted three ominous children.

What I said:        numerous disasters that had befallen her
What it wrote:    bloomer disasters that had befallen her

What I said:        He's been charged with Simple Assault.
What it wrote:    He's been charged with Simple Salt. 

What I said:        Why was this guy staring like that? She wondered if it had something to do with her or if it was...
What it wrote:    Why was this guy staring like that? She wondered if it had something to do with her orifice...

What I said:        Sliding the last bite of food into her mouth, Didi chewed, swallowed, and dabbed at her lips with the cloth napkin.
What it wrote:    Sliding the last bite for food Intermountain, DeeDee Chu, swallowed, and dander lips with the goth pumpkin.

What I said:        saline poisoning
What it wrote:    Celine poisoning.

What I said:        clad in the spa’s signature white terrycloth robes.
What it wrote:    clad in the smallest signature quite hairy robes.

What I said:        Absently flipping through the rack
What it wrote:    Absolutely flipping through Iraq

What I said:        Did you say Moonflower?
What it wrote:    Just aim and fire

What I said:        The various locations
What it wrote:    And they are the Haitians

What I said:        Inhabiting the same space
What it wrote:    Inhabiting the same spaceship

What I said:        Marcus brought Beverly back to the room, saying, "Why don't you rest a bit.”
What it wrote:    Marcus brought Beverly back to the room, saying, "Why you arrested b*tch.”

What I said:        Greg reached out and placed a warm hand on Crystal’s shoulder.
What it wrote:    Greg reached out and placed a warm hand on pistols children.

What I said:        He grinned, twin dimples appearing in his cheeks.
What it wrote:    He grinned, twenty dimples appearing in his cheeks.

What I said:        In a way that gives her a little bit of peace
What it wrote:    and away the kisser a little bit of peeps

What I said:        She took a package of stew meat from the refrigerator.
What it wrote:    She took a package astutely from the refrigerator.

What I said:        I moved toward the center of the large rectangle of grass.
What it wrote:    I moved toward the center of the large rectangle of breast.

What I said:        I couldn’t wait to tell Natasha.
What it wrote:    I couldn’t wait to helm a tossup.

What I said:        Miriam nodded, thoroughly engrossed in his tale.
What it wrote:    Miriam nodded, thoroughly engrossed in his tail.

What I said:        Hadn't he forsaken them?
What it wrote:    Having tea for Satan and them?

What I said:        Nana met my gaze.
What it wrote:    Nana met high gays.

What I said:        She had done plenty.
What it wrote:    She's a dumb Plenti.  (Question: What the heck is a “Plenti”?)

What I said:        With Nana, you have to pick your battles.
What it wrote:    With bananas, you have to pick your battles.

I hope you’ve gotten a few laughs from these. I’ve saved my all-time favorite for last. It’s this one, from Beauty to Die For:

What I said:        Please, Lord, let that spa be any one except the Palm Grotto.
What it wrote:    Please, Lord, let that spawn beat anyone except the home depot.


  1. Some of those sure had me laughing! There so funny! I can't believe how some of them came up.

  2. Thank you for making me laugh out loud!!!! I am sitting here in my home office and hubby is wondering what is going on. I will have to read these to him. :-)
